At various times on social media and in person, people have often asked if they can donate to TotalMTB to help fund and develop it and do their bit for it and until now there hasn’t really been a way for people to support monthly and especially if they didn’t want to buy any merch.
I know we’re in a cost of living crisis so this is ONLY for the people who can but also want to…..
Below you can see four different monthly payments, the funds will go to help run TotalMTB CIC, research and develop new and existing ideas in which we can reach and help more people around the UK suffering with mental health and possibly feeling isolated.
I’ve been thinking about doing this for a couple of years but always decided against it as I was worried what people would think and in case we received negative comments about it but in the last year I’ve been asked so many times by people how they can donate to our organisation and also I’ve noticed a rise in other projects in the UK do something similar so I thought we’d give it a go and even if it raises a little it will help massively.
I think since TotalMTB started in 2017 we’ve proven to people that we’re definitely here to help and support people and make people happy the projects we do like TotalSurprise, you can also read what TotalMTB means to people here.
TotalMTB is here to welcome, support, encourage and if we can make people happier through campaigns and projects we run….. massive organisations like Mind and Calm still actively ask for donations so why can’t TotalMTB??
I can also add the name of the TotalFunders below as a thank you (if you don’t want to have your name displayed please let me know).
(We massively appreciate your support regardless of if you become a TotalFunder, if you buy merch, if you get involved in the charity raffle or if you follow us on social media)
TotalMTB for me is a great organisation that helps give back to the mountain biking community. Helps bring awareness to something that most people can’t see within a friend or family member. Mental health is something to be mindful about. Health mind, health life.Blake Samson
Mountain biking is vital to my mental health, and I think it's rad how TotalMTB is spreading their message and building a community around this topic. It doesn't matter who you are, everyone is going through something and knowing you're understood and supported goes a long way.Mark Matthews
It gives me great pleasure to support the TotalMTB community. These guys do so much in the global cycling community to help people that need it most in an area most people struggle to talk about. I'll always be backing TotalMTB and anyone who stands alongside them.Ben Moore