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Name: Daisy Adams
Location: Bristol
Years riding: 1.5 on my pedal bike
Favorite trail: kermit at bike park wales!
Why I mountain bike: because I love puddles and I want to jump like a superhero 😁
What I enjoy when not riding: Dancing to any music all the time and having storys read to me
Favorite trail snack?: haribo i like hearts and rings best
Name: Ian
Location: Derbyshire
Years Riding: 30+
Favourite Trail: Jacobs Ladder in the Peak District
Why I ride: I love the feeling of exploring and freeness I get from MTB I don’t think any other activity gives me that feeling
When not riding: Tinkering on my bike, playing on the PS4, listening to music.
Favourite trail snack: The classic Jelly Babies
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